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Creative Multimedia Syllabus – a summary

The Higher Diploma is over 12 months, with the first 9 being in-class on the Moylish Campus and the concluding 3 months being a distinct work experience initiative. It is an intensive course, with a wide diversity of subjects completed in a condensed space of time. Most of the grades are comprised continous assessment, with a constant stream of project work. Below is a summary of the modules in each term, with the main software and projects being also highlighted.

A font style developed for an assignment Another example of student work

Term 1 – Autumn

Database Systems and Design

An introductory module to database theory and design. It includes Database Design, Normalization and SQL scripting. This module is examined through a series of classroom exams and projects. Classes usually consist of the application of the latter topics to real world scenarios.

3D Graphics

Using 3DS Max software, the student learns 3D design. This is probably one of the toughest parts of the course, with complex techniques, such as the composition of 3D shapes, lighting and animation. The student’s knowledge is evaluated over 3 projects, dealing in scene composition, irregular shape construction and animation.

Digital Video

This module focusses on the various aspects of film. Topics such as shot angles, continuation and camera manipulation are examined and examined through a series of short films produced by the students.

Web Development

The basics of HTML and other related web design languages are taught in this module. At it’s conclusion, the student will have several web site projects for their portfolio.

Web Programming

This programming module focuses on JavaScript. It complements the study done in the web development module

Human Cognition & Communication

This is largely a theoretical module which focuses on the topics of Communication. Topics such as the role of Sound, Perception and Language are examined. There is a series of written assignments which forms most of the marks for the project.

Interaction Design

This focuses on the topics surrounding Visual Design, such as colour and typography. This module is examined over several assignments which focus primarily on the student’s design capabilities using Adobe PhotoShop and Illustrator.

Term 2 – Spring

Evolving Web Technologies

This subject followed on from Web Development in the first term. It focussed on topics such as site responsiveness (preparing code for mobile devices and tablets) and SEO. Two sizeable projects were used to evaluate the student's ability in this subject.

Interaction Interface Design

This module focusses on the composition of two elements

  • Portfolio and CV Preparation – This is done by using various design tools to create visual representations of the student’s CV and portfolio. The latter primarily consists of the work done by the student in the course. PhotoShop, Illustrator and Issuu are the main pieces of software / websites used for this module.
  • Development of a Prototype – This concentrates on the process of bringing software from concept to prototype. This is done using Balsamiq and Axure.

Advanced Web Programming

This module focusses on PHP and the related topics of Code Igniter and SQL. This is demonstrated through several projects, including a news website which connected to a database for real time updates.


This is a project which the student uses to showcase a variety of the skills accu,ulated by the student during the course. Typically, this will comprise of a website with various aspects of functionality, such as database connectivity, animation and advanced HTML topics.