Call - An example of the work produced by the 2017-18 Creative Multimedia class
So you want to start a career in coding or design, with the latest technologies. Want to hear from a past student? This site atempts to answer the important questions in relation to the Higher Diploma from the perspective of one of it's more recent students. Halfway interested? Well, read on ...

So what is Creative Multimedia Programming?

Creative Multimedia Programming is a one year Higher Diploma course offered by the Department of Computing in conjunction with Springboard. Aimed as a conversion course for those unemployed and seeking to enter the IT industry, the course focuses on the creative aspects of design and the practical technicalities of programming. It is an intensive course, with continuous assessment providing the basis of student evaluation. The steep learning curve can seem daunting but it is worth the challenge.

What are the main topics covered?

The main emphasis of the course is to amalgamate the creative process of design (film and visual representations) and the various technical means of capturing and showcasing this work (web design and database management). Extensive work with a variety of software ensures that not only does the student learn the core concepts, but builds a level of confident competence in practical accomplishment of much vaunted skills.

This question is dealt with, directly and indirectly, in the various other pages (such as the main subjects and personal experience of a current student, where he answers important questions from the perspective of a past pupil.

Another example of some work produced by the 2017 class Personal Logo

Why LIT?

There are several reasons that make LIT a good place to study, the more salient of which are listed as follows:

  • Good reputation of LIT - As well as having a reputation of delivering across a wide variety of disciplines, the courses are renowned for being focussed on distinct skills in various software and machinery, rather than just learning the theoretical basis of the topic.
  • Local Companies - Limerick is fast becoming a hub of global giants (Dell, Cook, General Motors) and methodical minnows on the up (WP Engineering). LIT has active links with such companies and this provides employment and research opportunities.
  • Limerick itself - As well as being seen as a great sporting town, with Thomond Park being a drop-kick away from the Moylish campus, there are plenty of other sports and activities to do when not studying. There is great natural resources, such as the Clare Glens and the Ballyhouras, as well as historical places of interest, with King John's Castle being a leading tourist attraction. Culturally, there is much to do with a vibrant local traditional music community and a lively night life scene.

What is SpringBoard?

SpringBoard is a government backed initiative to upskill both the employed and unemployed in order to meet the demand from the ever growing IT sector. The scheme is run on conjunction with the vast majority of the third level sector, with over 200 courses available, both full and part-time. Run under the auspices of the HEA, almost 6,500 availed of the scheme in 2017. The courses allow the unemployed or out of work dues to other circumstances an opportunity to retrain whilst maintaining their social welfare payments. There is also a culture of close links to industry, with many companies advising as to the syllabus content and resulting opportunities for the students.

Who are the typical students who do this course?

Well, there's nothing at all typical about this crew. If they were in the audio business, they'd be Bose ... sound out.

About Me ...

Hi. My name is Eugene O' Regan and I am nearing completion of the Higher Diploma in Creative Multimedia Programming as of April 2018.

While I have a long history of computing, I never really got into the design side of things. So, last Summer, I decided to apply and a year later, I'm here. It's been a roller coaster and this website is a guide to anyone who might be interested in participating in the course in the near future.

It is intensive and demanding but ultimately, worthwhile. Feel free to contact me with any questions.

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